Boeing Website Redesign

Web Design
I redesigned to give it a fresh, sleek look and feel, with elements that utilize and also break the grid.
Embedded Boeing Website Redesign Concept
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About this Project

For this redesign, I wanted to make Boeing cool again, as a concept using Figma. I thought the brand had such a rich history, along with their aerospace endeavours, that it would be a shame to not do that justice. I started with a grid layout, then made the intentional choice of breaking it; I think sometimes design rules can be broken if executed well. I think this concept would be gorgeous on their real website. I also paired their brand identity with some 8-bit icons, I thought it seemed like something you might see in a cockpit, or on a satellite screen. I tried to have consistency with my colour usage and symbols, so most dots are squared off to match the icons, along with a square-matrix world map. I paired these designs with a space-like font to give the brand a more modern feel, I think it looks sleek.

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Project Type
Web Design

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